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A Taste of the Mountain Life

I took a little trip to...Colorado! Last year, I reconnected with my cousin Rick and met his lovely wife Martha. They graciously invited me to stay at their home in Castle Rock, CO and I accepted. I thought it would be a good time to go over Memorial Day weekend. I was married in 2000 on Memorial Day weekend and sometimes it’s been hard to move through it without a lot of emotions. Sometimes creating new, happy memories to overlay tender memories is a good idea. In this case, it was a great idea!


I took a direct flight from Madison to Denver and arrived mid-morning. Rick and Martha picked me up and we had a terrific visit! They have a beautiful home in Castle Rock, which is south of Denver before Colorado Springs. It’s a wonderful town with a ton of reasons to get out and be fit with stunning views to enjoy. The town is well thought out and has many parks, paths, fun activities for the whole family, a cute downtown and yes, a Target. It’s checking all of the boxes!

I’ve always loved the mountains and my parents have taken us to Estes Park for many years. It’s definitely on my I might want to live here someday list and with hosts like Rick and Martha, it rises to the top. 

We started the day with lattes and conversations and then went on hikes and out to dinner at a couple of fun spots. Friday night we went to The Cherokee Ranch and Castle and saw a Frank Sinatra tribute show. The castle is stunning and it’s a place that you could spend a decent amount of time touring. There was art and stories everywhere you turned. We managed to climb to the top of the castle for stunning views that are aplenty in Colorado.

On Saturday we went to Pinos Italian Kitchen and Bar to see Rick’s guitar teacher and musical genius, Sal, perform. He knows a ton of songs and it was fun to be out listening to live music. Our last meal together was breakfast at B&B Café. It was bittersweet because it’s always hard to leave when you’re having such a good time.

We also visited with their friend and neighbor Tad who has a recording studio. It was interesting to see what one looks like in person. Tad played some original piano pieces and that was a special treat.

I enjoyed seeing the sights and really getting to know Rick and Martha. They are wonderful people and, even better, they are family. I hope to take the kids out there in the fall.

 I am working on a couple of poems – one is about a story Martha told me I’ve titled “No Regrets” and another is entitled “Morning with Magpies”.

I’m trying to work in a line about the lights on their deck that were once the original lights (not electrified at the time) on my great grandpa’s first horse-drawn hearse. I love pieces of history!


In addition to my trip, my son turned 19! He’s growing up and even he acknowledges how much he has changed even in the past year. He has a 401K! I’m very proud of him and I’m glad that he’s still close by.

Let’s chat soon.


With affection,

Carrie VS

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