I hope everyone had a nice long holiday weekend! The Thanksgiving meal went well and surprisingly, four desserts was not too much. I highly recommend this turkey recipe by Ina Garten. I had a couple of adventures beyond Thursday.
On Friday, I went to one of my favorite spots, Ruby Rose Gallery in Cambridge, and picked up a couple of presents. One of which was for my guitar/voice coach Helen. She and her partner Dave were playing that night at Cargo Coffee East. Red Door Duo is a must-see! They conduct a Facebook Live every Thursday at 7 p.m. CST that I highly recommend. I don’t get to see Helen in person too much because we live a couple hours from each another. She asked me to sing “Closer to Fine” with her and Dave, and I agreed. It was so incredibly kind of them to let me sing with them!

Saturday, I thought I’d take it easy, but Shahayra planned a birthday party at Prost in Madison. My friend Suzie and I went to the party and it was so great! We got a chance to meet and chat with wonderful people. Happy birthday my sweet poetess friend!

Sunday, Meghan from Ruby Rose and I went out to dinner at Turn Key in Madison (highly recommend) and then to see Todd Rundgren (opener) and Daryl Hall (of Hall and Oats) at the Orpheum Theater. I’m a fan of Daryl’s as he’s a very accomplished musician. Check out “Daryl’s House” on YouTube or the DIY channel.

I didn’t include the fact that I took many naps, but I hope you know there are down times in between my adventures.
This week has been filled with quality time with so many wonderful people that I’m fortunate to call my friends and have in my life. These events are chances to get together and I try as hard as I can to create them and/or make sure I don’t miss them.
Now I need to create some space to write and edit book #3! I’m looking forward to getting the book done so I can share it with you!
Let’s chat soon.
With affection,
Carrie VS