Hello, dear reader. I know it has been a bit since I posted on my blog. Sometimes I need extra time to process experiences – good and bad. In this case, it’s all good.
I spent a week in Summerville (near Charleston), South Carolina at an Artist Residency which will be in Part 2 later this week. For now, I wanted to touch on the bookend dates to that trip. Before I left, I went to a day-long session of learning about how to create a facial exfoliant, a smoke/smudging bundle, and Elderberry tonic. Maria from Luminous Rose, located in Waterloo, WI and also online, creates and sells skincare products. She’s an artist, creator, teacher and healer – just a wonderful human being. Lacey and Marley (@twinessence) also lent their spiritual gifts to the day. It was wonderful to be around people who want to learn about new things and more importantly, aren’t afraid to learn about themselves.
This is so inspiring to me! As a bonus, Maria read my birth chart and I found that fascinating. It’s a map of what the sky was like when I was born. She’s offering sessions on this coming up if you’re interested. If you’re in Waterloo, I’d recommend checking out Luminous Rose. It’s a beautiful shop run by a beautiful owner.
After I returned from my residency, I had the honor of returning to Elvehjem Elementary School for their second annual Poetry Jam! Deidre Yahn is a 4th grade teacher there and she invited me back this year. Deidre and I know each other from being fellow volleyball moms in Waterloo. (Side note: I miss watching my daughter Sydney play volleyball – she was amazing!)
60+ kids and teachers gathered in a common area, I spoke for a few minutes about who I am and then read some of my poetry. Then I had the chance to listen to the poems they created. Such an amazing group of kids and teachers! I give them so much credit for writing a poem and getting up in front of everyone to read it. The kids then had a chance to ask me questions and I even had a chance to sing an Indigo Girls verse from “Closer to Fine” with a courageous teacher that is also a big fan. I truly hope someday to be able to weave my poems and music together. Uncharacteristically, I started a list of goals for 2024. Speaking of goals, I'll be visiting a handful of other local elementary and middle schools to share my poetry and help inspire others to write and share their own. I'm very excited and will share more details as they come. Thanks again to Elvehjem and Diedre for including me in their special day.
My last adventure was meeting with potential band members! My dear friend Jenny is trying to put together a band so we can play music more and just have fun. We had our first meeting to talk about ourselves and what types of music we’d like to play. A couple of members decided it wasn’t the right time for them, but Jenny, Heather and I (all students of the brilliant Helen Avakian), are in it to win it! We are looking for a drummer, so if you’re interested, send me a message. Our next meeting is the Sunday after Thanksgiving. We have a Guitar Party (think recital) mid-December and I’m going to sing and play an original song. I am looking forward to attending the Ladies Rock Camp performance on Sunday, December 3 at 7 p.m. CT at the High Noon Saloon. It’s open to the public so come check it out!
Let’s chat very soon.
With affection,
Carrie VS