I have two exciting book talks coming up in the next week! The first is at Kismet Books in Verona, WI (west of Madison, WI) on Saturday, May 7 at 2 p.m. It’s a charming local bookstore. The second is at the Karl Junginger Memorial Library in Waterloo, WI on Thursday, May 12 at 6 p.m. It’s my beautiful hometown library. I truly hope to see you all there! More events are being added all of the time (thank you, Margaret, publicist extraordinaire!) so check back frequently. Better yet, suggest a library, bookstore or café you think would be great for me to visit and I’ll try to make my way there!
For me, this week has been filled with some real ups and downs (more than normal). No matter what happens, I do try to find my way back (sometimes crawling) to that place of hope. It’s truly how I’m wired – I am a warrior. I wrote a poem in The End of the Beginning that showed I can be down but not out. As always, I hope my poems can help others. At the very least, I hope people don’t feel alone in their darkest moments.

Let’s chat soon.
With affection,
Carrie VS