Where did January go?! We made it through the darkest (and chilliest) weeks of the year so that’s some good news! My friend and I were talking about how grateful we are when we can see the sun and, even when it’s blisteringly cold, when we stand outside and soak in some rays, it lifts our spirits. I sent her this Lorine Niedecker poem:
My Friend Tree
My friend tree
I sawed you down
but I must attend
an older friend
the sun

During this time, I’m trying to take it easy on myself and not push too hard if I don’t feel like doing something. I was having a conversation with someone I met recently and I said, “I’m high maintenance, but I just have some questions.” Later, I thought, you weren’t being very nice to yourself. It’s a throwback to years ago when I thought I was too much or not enough and I put everyone else’s needs in front of my own. People-pleaser habits die hard! I’m going to try on curious and passionate to describe myself. Both accurate and framed in a way that isn’t self-deprecating.
This month, I had the chance to sing with Dana Perry, Jenna Jonis and Dan Kennedy. They had a set at the Up North Bar in Madison and asked some Ladies Rock Camp performers to join them. Always encouraged by Jenna, I sang three songs (I Can’t Make You Love Me, Creep, House of the Rising Sun) and I think I did alright! Syd and Huck were there with friends, and with so many encouraging big-hearted, talented folks there, it was a night to remember. It’s possible I’ll be able to get out there in March so I’ll keep you posted!
I found out this weekend that my poem, “The Union Way” from The End of the Beginning, will be read, recorded and broadcasted as part of the Lanward Poetry Project. I’m honored that it’s being included in this prestigious project. I’ll let you know when it’s posted online.
I’m still working on my books and hope to have the latest poetry book out this Spring. Until then, I hope you take it easy and spend some time relaxing by the fire with a good book. Just a reminder that mine are for sale right here on my website.
Let’s chat soon.
With affection,
Carrie VS