My mom recently ran into a man on crutches and asked about his injury. He said he hurt his knee playing volleyball and had to have surgery. She then asked if he was on blood thinners and he replied that he was for a short time, but he stopped taking them. He then wondered why she was inquiring. She told him about my late husband having a knee injury while playing volleyball and days later dying from a pulmonary embolism/blood clots in the lungs. It gave him pause.
It's been 12 years since my late husband Dave passed and some days it feels like yesterday, some days it feels like a lifetime ago. I want to make sure that you, dear reader, and your family hear me loud and clear today – if you are injured, have the conversation with your doctor about blood clots. If you develop a cough or pain after an injury, get it checked out immediately. I have heard of countless people that have taken heed from Dave’s example to get themselves checked out only to find they, too, have blood clots. It could really make the difference between life and death and I hate to see tragedy like this repeat itself.

I promise you, there will be no harm done if you ask or get things checked out.
My kids are doing well and are such amazing human beings – I’m a proud mama. I’m working and have a few things in the hopper as you know – book No. 3 is coming out this year, I’m writing a non-fiction book that I hope will be out next year, I’m playing music, writing songs, and traveling when I can.
I tell you this also to remind you that there is hope after tragedy strikes. And like a phoenix, you too, can rise from the ashes.
Let’s chat soon.
With affection,
Carrie VS