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Seattle in Summertime

Writer: Carrie Voigt Schonhoff Carrie Voigt Schonhoff

I am a weary but happy traveler! I’m home for a couple of months which is good – I need to re-charge and live in my normal world. Last week, I took my daughter and her boyfriend to Seattle, WA. We were only there for a few days, but we made the most of it. We stayed downtown across from the ocean (have I mentioned how much I love the ocean?!) and behind us was the famous Pike Place Market. It was definitely a hopping place to stay and we spent a lot of time at the shore shopping, eating seafood, going to the aquarium and even took in a boat tour and ferris wheel ride. Pike Place Market is where they throw fish and catch them – a big show for the crowds. There was even a man playing an accordion with a latex cat mask over his head. Just when I thought I’ve seen a lot, there’s more to see in this world!

Besides showing Syd and Huck how beautiful this part of the country is, particularly in the summertime, I wanted to visit old friends and former co-workers that I haven’t seen in years. It’s been several years since we’ve been together and they mean so much to me. Each one of them is dear to me and my family. We met Darleen for dinner and watched boats and daring paddle boarders on the lake. When my husband died, Darleen took all of his ties and dress shirts and made quilts for us. These quilts define “labor of love." I had breakfast with Ann, who just retired, and took a ferry over to the mainland to have coffee and go to the aquarium with us. I met Leslie for breakfast and we caught up on family life and the unstructured beauty of retirement, and we met up with Ron who was my manager at one point (he’s a saint for this reason alone) who also has a daughter named Sydney. These are people that you see and it’s as if no time has passed. They are genuine, smart, funny and have generous spirits. I love them all and I’m so glad they got to meet Syd and Huck as well.

We also visited Snoqualmie Falls (see Twin Peaks) – the mountains and evergreens combined with waterfalls and the ocean make Seattle somewhere you should visit. I hope to go to Vancouver and the San Juan Islands next time I visit, which I will make sure it's not another 8 years!

Syd and Huck got inexpensive tickets to see the band Train and bonus – Jewel was performing! I didn’t go because I needed to chill, but I’m bummed I missed Jewel. They didn’t even know who she was, but I was glad they got the chance to see her. She’s an amazing talent.

I can’t really skip a mention about Olivia Newton-John's passing. She was someone that exemplified what it meant to be an earth angel. Grease is a classic movie and she will be Sandy in our hearts forever. I loved her music and no doubt warped the “Xanadu” album. I’m sad that she’s no longer with us. She reminds us to live life not just say we’re going to live life – actually LIVE IT!

I look forward to seeing people I know and meeting new people on my travels – connections are what it's all about.

This poem is from The End of the Beginning and it’s about being 13 years old and how friendships come and go, but it’ll be okay – we always have Xanadu (and a pair of roller skates!).


When I was 13,

sky high on hormones,

I laced up and roller-skated

with my two best friends

in an unfinished basement.

We’d figure-eight exposed poles,

dodge Christmas decorations,

jump power tools.

Always with our favorites:

Kiss on My List

The Tide is High

I’m Alive

Another One Bites the Dust

Turns out that two friends

are better than three.

But it takes only one,

at 51,

with a credit card,

to rent the rink and fly.

Let’s chat soon.

With affection,

Carrie VS


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